Children learn most on meaningful activities

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I.              Objective
To solve word problems involving percentage, rate and base.

II.            Learning Content:
A.   Topic: Solving word problems involving percentage, rate and base.
B.   Reference: Gatbagan, Erlinda E. et al. Maths for Meaningful Lives. Book crafts Publishiing Co. IncMotiva. 2003. Pg. 261-265
C.   Matriels: letter board, charts, manila paper

III.           Learning Experience
A.   Preparatory Activities
1.        Drill
Finding the missing term.
Choose A if the missing term is Rate; B if Base and C if percentage.
1.    55% of 125 is _____.
2.    9 is ____ % of 115.
3.    23 is what percent of 115?
4.    12 % of ____ is 6
5.    25 % of ____ is 40.

2.      Review
Solve for the missing terms
·         55% of 125 is _____.
·         9 is ____ % of 115.

B.   Developmental Activities
1.    Motivation
Show a picture of a tiangge.
Ask the students:
Have you been on this place?
Why do people love to shop on tiangge?

2.    Presentation of the Lesson
Let’s see some of the buyer’s problem while they are on a store.
a . A shirt worth 600 php is on sale at 360 php. What percent is the shirt on sale?
·         What is asked in the problem?
(The percent of the shirt on sale.)
·         What are the given information or data that can help us solve the problem?
(original price= 600 php ; discounted price= 360 php)
·         What is the formula to be used?
(R=P/B x 100)
·         What is the solution on the given equation?
R = 360 / 600
 R = 0.6 x 100
 R = 60 %
( The shirt was 60 % on sale)

b.    In a department store, 60% of the employees are men. If there are 27 men in the store, how many employees are there all?
·         What is asked in the problem?
( The total number of employees in a store)
·         What are the given information or data that can help us solve the problem?
( rate of men  = 60 % ; total number of men = 27)
·         What is the formula to be used?
( B= P/R)
·         What is the solution on the given equation?
B= P/R
B= 27 / 0.60
B= 45
( The total number of employees is 45)

c.    During the Book Week, 20 % of the 50 students of Miss Lopez went to Maliwanag Bookstore. How many students went to the Bookstore?
·         What is asked in the problem?
( The number of students who went to the bookstore)
·         What are the given information or data that can help us solve the problem?
( rate of students who went To the book store = 20 % ; Total number of students = 50)
·         What is the formula to be used?
( P = B x R
  P = 50 x 0.20
P = 30
( The number of students who went to Bookstore is 30)

3.    Fixing Skills
1.    A group of students went tree planting last year. They planted 650 mango trees. Of these trees, 130 died. What percent of the trees died?
A.   Application
(Group Work)
Solve the following.
·         During a basketball tournament, a team scored 120 ppints. Don scored 30 % of the points. How many points did he score?
·         25 % of the class of 40 pupils got a s core of 35 and above. How many students score 35  and above?
4.    Generalization:
What are the steps in solving word problems ?

IV.          Evaluation
Solve the following word problems:
A.   Rosemarie spelled 68 words correctly out of 80. What percent of the words did she spell correctly?
B.   There are 10 new pupils in  Mrs.Lira’s class. If this is the 5 % of the whole class, what is the total number of Mrs. Lira’s pupils?

V.           Assignment:
Solve word problem:
A.   On a Super Sale tiangge, a purple sweater is 25 % off of its original price which costs 160 php. How much will Tina pay for the sweater?

Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Education
Department of Field Study and Practice Teaching
Taft Avenue Manila

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 5

Solving Word Problems
 Involving Rate, Percentage and Base

Prepared by
Allma V. Reynaldo
Student Teacher

Submitted to:
Mr. Luis Salenga
Cooperating Teacher
Paranaque Elementary School- Central

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 5 - Measuring Angles

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 5
I.              Objective
To Measure different angles

II.            Learning Content
A.   Topic: Measuring Angles
B.   Reference: Gatbagan, Erlinda E. et al. Maths for Meaningful Lives. Book crafts Publishiing Co. IncMotiva. 2003. Pg. 261-265
C.   Materials: protractor, ruler, bond paper
D.   Values
III.           Learning Experiences
A.   Preparatory Activities
1.    Drill
Draw the  geometric figure.
·         Point B
·         Line GH
·         Ray JK
·         Lines DF and HY  intersects at point T
2.    Review
Identify the geometric terms represented by the following
·         ruler’s edge
·         period
·         clothesline
·         piece of cloth
·         handkerchief
B.   Developmental Activities
1.    Motivation
“Human Clock”
The teacher will tell a time and the pupil’s hands will be the arms of the analog clock. His group mates will tell if his arms are on the right digits.

What geometric figure represents the arms of the clock?
Of what time requires the biggest space between the right and left hand?
What time requires smallest between the right and left hand?

2.    Presentation and Discussion of the Lesson
Introduce the use of protractor

3.    Fixing Skills
Draw the following angles:
·         45°
·         120°
·         90°
·         55°
·         160°
4.    Generalization
How to measure angles?

5.    Application:
“Little Architects”
Each group will construct a house containing angles that measure 90°, 110°, 45°, 135° and 60°

IV.          Evaluation
Measure  the angles.

V.           Assignment:
No assignment day.

Lesson plan in Math 5 - Kinds of angles

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 5
I.              Objective
To identify the different kinds of angles

II.            Learning Content
A.   Topic: Kinds Angles
B.   Reference: Gatbagan, Erlinda E. et al. Maths for Meaningful Lives. Book crafts Publishiing Co. IncMotiva. 2003. Pg. 261-265
C.   Materials: protractor, ruler, bond paper
D.   Values: cooperation, promptness
III.           Learning Experiences
A.   Preparatory Activities
1.    Drill
a.    “Who am I?”
The students will guess what king of polygon is described.
·         I am a polygon with threes ides. I can be found in  pyramid. Who am I?
·         .I have no sides. I shape like a hulahoop that froms a loop. Who am I?
·         I am a four sided polygon. My sides are equal. Who am I?
·         You can find me everywhere. I have four sides. Two pairs of my sides are equal. Who am I?

b.    “Draw Me”
·         Draw a big circle with small circle inside
·         Draw a circle. On top of it, draw a triangle. Below the circle, draw a reactangle.
·         Draw an inverted triangle. Draw a circle enclosing this triangle. Draw a bigger triangle enclosing these two.
2.    Review
Choose the  letter of the correct answer.

a. Angle         b plane           c. Line                        d. Point

a. Line            b. Line segment       c. Ray             d. Angle

a. Perpendicular lines         b. Intersecting lines c. Line segment        d. Parallel lines

a. Line            b. Line segment       c. Ray             d. Angle

a.    Angle       b plane           c. Line                        d. Point

B.   Developmental Activities
1.    Motivation
“Human Clock”
The teacher will tell a time and the pupil’s hands will be the arms of the analog clock. His group mates will tell if his arms are on the right digits.

What geometric figure represents the arms of the clock?
Of what time requires the biggest space between the right and left hand?
What time requires smallest between the right and left hand?

2.    Presentation and Discussion of the Lesson
The teacher will paste figure of angles with different measurement.
Let the pupils classify the drawn angles on the table below

Less than 90°
Exactly 90°
More than 90° but less than 180°
Exactly 180°
More than 180°

What angles measure less than 90 °?
What angles measure exactly 90°?
What angles measure more than 90 ° but less than 180°?
What angles measure exactly 180 °?
What angles measure more than 180 °?

3.    Fixing Skills
Identify what kind of angle is illustrated.

4.    Generalization
What are acute angles? Right angles? Obtuse angles? Straight angles? Reflex angles?

5.    Application:
Find angles in the figure below. Classify them on the table provided

Acute angles
Right angles
Obtuse angles
straight angles

IV.          Evaluation
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1.    What angle measures exactly 90 °?
a.    Acute        b. Right          c. Obtuse       d. Reflex
2.    What angle measures more than 90°?
a.    Acute        b. Right          c. Obtuse       d. Reflex
3.    The corner of your paper is an example of _____ angle.
a.    Acute        b. Right          c. Obtuse       d. straight

V.           Assignment:
No assignment day.