Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Inductive-Deductive Teaching

****credits to the owner of the article

Inductive-Deductive Method
Induction is that form of reasoning in which a general law is derived from a study of
particular objects or specific processes. Students use measurements, manipulators orconstructive activities and patterns etc to discover a relationship. They later formulatea law or rule about that relationship based on their observations, experiences,inferences and conclusions.
Example 1: Ask pupils to draw a number of triangles. Ask them to measure the three
angles of each triangle and find their sum. They will find that the sum of the three
angles of all triangles is 180o.
Example 2: Ask pupils to find the sum of two odd numbers like 3+5=8, 5+7=12,
9+11=20, etc. They will find that the sum of two odd numbers is an even number.
Deduction is the method in which the law is accepted and then applied to a number of
specific examples. The child does not discover the law but develops skills in applying
the same, proceeds from general to particular or abstract to concrete.
Steps in the inductive method:
1) The first step is clear recognition of the problem. It should be clearly understood
and defined by the pupils.
2) Once the problem has been defined, the child should start searching for data fromall possible sources like books, magazines, journals, making visits to certain places etc.
3) Under the guidance of the teacher, the pupils organize the data which they havecollected from various sources. They select relevant data and discard irrelevantmaterial.
4) By studying particular instances, the pupils frame possible solutions.
5) These solutions are discussed, argued and judged. Thus tentative solutions are
eliminated and only the probable solutions remain.
6) The solutions are applied to the situation and results are verified.
Merits of Inductive method
1) This method is psychological. The student feels interested in experiments,
experiences and discoveries.
2) This method fosters independence and self-confidence in the pupil which proves
very useful in later life.
3) In this method, children discover the solution themselves. Hence it develops and
encourages initiative and creative thinking.
4) All that is learnt using inductive method is remembered easily as it is self-acquired.5) In this method, the pupils observe and analyze particular objects of similar anddifferent nature and try to arrive at general truth.
6) Inductive method takes into consideration all the maxims of good teaching. The
process of induction calls for perception, reasoning, judgment and generalization.

Steps involved in deductive method
1) Like the inductive method, the first step is the clear understanding of the problem.
2) It may involve the study of a particular thing and phenomenon.
3) Principles and generalizations are reviewed to find the one which may be
applicable to find a solution.
4) In this step the rule, principle or generalization is applied to a problem andinference is formulated that the problem falls under such rule, principle orgeneralization.
5) Verification of the inference is done by applying it to a case. If it solves the
problem then it is accepted otherwise the procedure is repeated to find the correct one.
Merits of deductive method
1) Deductive method is short and time-saving. It takes little time to solve the problem
by predetermined formulae.
2) In the deductive method, the teacher’s work is very much simplified. He/shesimply gives a rule and asks the pupils to verify it by application to several concreteexamples. For example, students are told that the area of rectangle = Length xBreadth. Then a few sums are solved before the students. The students apply theseformulae to solve these problems and they memorize it for future use.
3) This method is very useful for small children because with small children we
generally use story or telling method.
4) This method glorifies memory, as the students have to memorize a considerable
number of formulae and definitions.
5) This method is adequate and advantageous during practice and revision stage.
Inductive Method Deductive Method-A Comparison
1. It proceeds from particular to general;
concrete to abstract.
2. It takes care of the needs of the pupils.It is a developmental process and takesthem through easy to difficult phase.
3. It encourages ‘discovery’ and
stimulates thinking.
4. The generalization or rule isformulated by the child; therefore heremembers it with ease.
5. The how and why of the process is
made clear through reasoning.
6. It starts from observation and directexperience and ends in developing a rulein abstract form.
7. It encourages child participation and
group work.
1. It proceeds from general to particular;
abstract to concrete.
2. In this method facts are thrust upon thepupils. The principle of growth is notconsidered.
3. The authority decides or gives the
formula and encourages memorization.
4. The rule is given to the child. He doesnot appreciate its nature and is likely toforget it easily.
5. The process is taken for granted and
accepted without reasoning.
6. Does not encourage learning but itstarts with a rule and provides for practiceand applications.
7. It demands individual learning and
treats the child as a passive recipient.
So it can be concluded that in inductive method we proceed from particular instancesto general laws or formulae. Through this method, children discover many new thingsthemselves and learning becomes very easy. It provides self-reliance and confidencein the students. Inductive method is slow and safe as the general law is reached step-by-step. Students climb up the stairs of thought leading to definitions, principles or rules.
In deductive method, we start with general law or formulae and then solve particularproblems by applying this law or formulae. It is a method of verification andexplanation and provides instruction. Deduction can give us the formal validitybecause the rule is taken for granted. The aim of this method is to fit the pupilgenerally for the battle of life.

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