Thursday, May 3, 2012

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 5 - Measuring Angles

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 5
I.              Objective
To Measure different angles

II.            Learning Content
A.   Topic: Measuring Angles
B.   Reference: Gatbagan, Erlinda E. et al. Maths for Meaningful Lives. Book crafts Publishiing Co. IncMotiva. 2003. Pg. 261-265
C.   Materials: protractor, ruler, bond paper
D.   Values
III.           Learning Experiences
A.   Preparatory Activities
1.    Drill
Draw the  geometric figure.
·         Point B
·         Line GH
·         Ray JK
·         Lines DF and HY  intersects at point T
2.    Review
Identify the geometric terms represented by the following
·         ruler’s edge
·         period
·         clothesline
·         piece of cloth
·         handkerchief
B.   Developmental Activities
1.    Motivation
“Human Clock”
The teacher will tell a time and the pupil’s hands will be the arms of the analog clock. His group mates will tell if his arms are on the right digits.

What geometric figure represents the arms of the clock?
Of what time requires the biggest space between the right and left hand?
What time requires smallest between the right and left hand?

2.    Presentation and Discussion of the Lesson
Introduce the use of protractor

3.    Fixing Skills
Draw the following angles:
·         45°
·         120°
·         90°
·         55°
·         160°
4.    Generalization
How to measure angles?

5.    Application:
“Little Architects”
Each group will construct a house containing angles that measure 90°, 110°, 45°, 135° and 60°

IV.          Evaluation
Measure  the angles.

V.           Assignment:
No assignment day.

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