Thursday, May 3, 2012

Detailed lesson Plan in Math 5 - Kinds of Triangles

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 5

I.              Objective:
At the end of the period, the pupils should be able to:
A.   Identify kinds of triangles;
B.   Measure sides and angles of a triangle; and
C.   Display cooperativeness during group activity

II.            Learning Content:
A.   Topic: Kinds of Triangles
A.   Reference: Gatbagan, Erlinda E. et al. Maths for Meaningful Lives. Book crafts Publishiing Co. IncMotiva. 2003. Pg. 261-265
B.   Materials: cut-outs of triangles, ruler, protractor
C.   Values: cooperativeness

III.           Learning Experiences:
Teacher’s Activity
Learner’s Activity
A.   Preparatory Activities
1.    Drill

      Identify the geometric figures on the illustrations.

a.    Line
b.    Line segment
c.    Ray
d.    Angle



a.    Line
b.    Line segment
c.    Angle
d.    Point


a.    Perpendicular lines
b.    Line segment
c.    Point
d.    Ray


a.    Intersecting lines
b.    Perpendicular lines
c.    Parallel lines
d.    Rays


a.    Point
b.    Line
c.    Ray
d.    Line segment

Study the figure below.

·         Name all the points
·         Name all the lines
·         Name some line segments

2.    Review
Classify the angles using the table below.

(insert figures of different angles)


B.   Developmental Activities
1.    Motivation
“Triangle Hunt”

I have a friend named Mr. T. He is looking for his relatives. Will you help him find his relatives in the amusement park?
His relatives has the same shape as his.
What is his shape?
What does a triangle look like?
How many sides/angles do triangles have?
Can you find Mr. T’s relatives?

What can you say about the sizes/measurements of the triangles posted on the board?

Then, it only means there are different kinds of triangles

2.    Presentation and Discussion of the Lesson.
a.    Triangles according to sides
I have here 3 straws.
Will you measure these straws?
Connect it to form a triangle.
Now. What can you say about the sides of this triangle?
Triangles like this one are called equilateral triangle.
Based from the example, what is equilateral triangle?

I have here 3 straws again (2 straws have equal length)
Will you measure these straws?
Connect it to form a triangle.
What can you say about this triangle?
Triangles like this one is called isosceles triangle.
Based from the example, what is isosceles triangle?

I have here another set of straw (with different lengths)
Will you measure it?
Connect it to form a triangle.
What can you say about the sides of this triangle?
Triangles like this are called scalene triangle.
What are scalene triangles?

b.    Triangles according to angle.
(The teacher will give triangles to the class)
Measure accurately the angle of your  triangles.
Write down the measurements of the angles so that you won’t forget it.
Who holds triangle  with an obtuse angle?
This triangle is called obtuse angle.
Based on its angle, what are obtuse triangle?

Who holds triangle with a right angle?
This triangle is called right triangle.
What are right triangles?

Who holds triangles with all angles acute?
This triangles are called acute triangle.
What are acute triangles?

3.    Fixing Skills
Identifythe tringles according to their sides.







4.    Generalization
What are the kinds of triangles according to their sides? What are they?

What are the kinds of triangles according to their angles?

5.    Application

For groups 1 and 2:
Draw the following:
1.    Equilateral  triangle
2.    Isosceles triangle
3.    Scalene  triangle
4.     Acute  triangle
5.    Right  triangle
6.    Obtuse triangle

For groups 3 and 4:
Identify the following.
___1. This triangle has 3 equal sides.
­­­___2. This triangle has two equal sides.
___3. This triangle has no equal sides
___4. This is a triangle with all angles acute.
___5. This is a triangle with right angle.
___6. This triangle has obtuse angle.

For groups 5 and 6:

Identify the illustrations of triangles.




a.parallel lines


Points : A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I
Lines: EF, BG, ID
Line segments: HC, CE, EH

Yes, we will.


It has 3 sides and 3 angles
Yes we can.

They are different in size and measurements

They have the same length

Equilateral Triangles are triangles with equal sides.

Two of this has equal length

Isosceles are triangles with 2 equal sides

Scalene are triangles with no equal sides

Obtuse triangles are triangles with an obtuse angle.

They are triangles with right angle.

They are triangles with acute angle.

1. equilateral triangle

2. isosceles triangle

3. scalene triangle

4.obtuse triangle

5.right triangle

6.acute triangle

The kinds of triangles according to each sides are scalene, equilateral and isosceles.
Scalene has no equal sides.
Isosceles has two equal sides
Equilateral has equal sides

The kinds of triangles according to its angles are acute, right and obtuse triangles.
Acute has 3 acute angles
Right has one right angles
Obtuse has one obtuse angle

1.equilateral triangle

2.isosceles triangle

3.scalene triangle

4. acute triangle

5.right triangle

6.obtuse triangle

1.equilateral triangle
2.isosceles triangle
3.scalene triangle
4.acute triangle
5.right triangle
6.obtuse triangle

IV.          Evaluation:
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1.    What kind of triangle has three equal sides?
a.    Isosceles
b.    Scalene
c.    Equilateral
d.    Right
2.    Triangle with one obtuse angle is called __________.
a.    Obtuse triangle
b.    Right triangle
c.    Equilateral triangle
d.    Right triangle
3.    What kind of triangle is shown?
a.    Right triangle
b.    Obtuse triangle
c.    Acute triangle
d.    Scalene triangle
4.    It is a triangle with no equal sides.
a.    Acute triangle
b.    Scalene triangle
c.    Isosceles triangle
d.    Right triangle
5.    What do you call a triangle with an obtuse angle?
a.    Right triangle
b.    Obtuse triangle
c.    Equilateral triangle
d.    Acute triangle

V.           Assignment:
Draw the following on bond paper.
1.    Isosceles right triangle
2.    Isosceles obtuse triangle
3.    Scalene right triangle
4.    Scalene acute triangle

 Prepared by Alma V. Reynaldo, Student Teacher)

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