Sunday, April 29, 2012

Table of Specifications and Achievement Test in Reading 3

The following is a sample achievement test in Reading 3 with accompanied Table of Specifications.

Achievement Test in
Reading 3

Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow.

My Pet Friend

Animal friends, what have you?
Dogs, cats, hens and ducks too
Some bark, meow and some quack
Some grunt, some sneeze at your back

My pet friend is a hen
Funny but i named her Zen
Tail curled, beak and feet yellow
Oh, when she naps, she look like a bow.

1.    What is the meaning of quack in the poem?
a.    sound of a duck
b.    a fake doctor
c.    a kind of cat
d.    a place for animals
2.    The word Nap means___________.
a.    a click of the hand
b.    a short sleep
c.    sound of a pig
d.    a kind of dog

Read the following conversation then answer the following questions.

Sandra: Good morning Ma’am.
Ms. Lopez: yes? Anything?
Sandra: May I be permitted to go home early this afternoon? My father is arriving today from Saudi Arabia. I would like to meet him at the airport.
Ms. Lopez: Okay, you may leave but make sure you copy all your assignments.
Sandra: Thank you Ma’am.
Ms. Lopez: You are welcome.

3.    The rising intonation in the line “May I permitted to go home early this afternoon?”  is in the word_______________.
a.    may
b.    permitted
c.    early
d.    afternoon
4.    “Good morning, Ma’am”. What is the correct intonation of the statement?
a.    Good morning, Ma’am
b.    Good morning, Ma’am
c.    Good morning, Ma’am
d.    Good morning, Ma’am

Study the spelling patterns of the words in each number. Which does not belong to the group?
5.    a. bear                      b. boar                        c. boat                        d. bend
6.    a. book                      b. pond                       c. tail                           d. tear
7.    a. king                                   b. rang                        c. wear                       d. well
8.    a. lamp                      b. sail                          c. want                       d. talk
9.    a. soap                      b. food                        c. pink                                    d. heat

Read the following passage.

            Many flies are dangerous. They spread deadly diseases such as cholera and dysentery. They pick up germs from manures and rotting food. They carry these into our homes where they leave these germs on our fresh foods.

10. The main idea in the paragraph is _________________.
a.    Many flies are dangerous.
b.    Flies carry cholera and dysentery
c.    Flies carry germs to our home.
d.    Flies are dangerous.
11. The main idea in the paragraph is located on__________.
a.    the first sentence
b.    second sentence
c.    third sentence
d.    last sentence

Filipinos kiss the hands of their elders as a sign of respect. They use words like “po” and “opo”. They help one another to make work lighter and faster called bayanihan.

12. What is the paragraph all about?
a.    Bad manners of Filipinos
b.    Filipinos kiss the hands of the elders.
c.    Good Filipino values
d.    Filipino use of words
Encircle the letter that does not go with the given idea.
a.    For cleaning
b.    For writing
c.    For drinking
d.    For swimming
a.    Listening to a radio
b.    Preparing for brownout
c.    Playing outside the house
d.    Staying indoors

15. Which of the following is not related to each other?
a.    Fruits are juicy foods which grow on certain plants and trees.
b.    Apples, orange and mangoes are examples of fruits.
c.    Fruits are good for diet.
d.    The rain made the mango tree fall.

Encircle the letter of the meaning of the underlined word.
16. Father is going out for work. His little boy is crying as he holds fast his father’s arms. The little boy does not want him to go.
a.    not slow, quick
b.    firmly or tightly
c.    without food, wholly  or partly
d.    not eating for a whole day
17. Yesterday, we hung a new wind chime at our door.
a.    put to death
b.    attached or pasted
c.    fastened to something above
d.    oo with friends
18. After a very long walk, grandfather’s legs began to sting and hurt.
a.    prick
b.    suffer and sharp pain
c.    suffer cardiac arrest
d.    a chord of nylon wire

Read the following paragraph then answer the questions that follow.

Giant pandas do not live in families like people do. The only pandas that live together are mother and their babies. Newborn pandas are very tiny and helpless. They weigh only 5 ounces when they are born.
            A panda takes about three years to grow up. When full grown, a giant panda weighs about 300 pounds and is five to six feet tall. Once a panda is grown up, he leaves his mother and goes off  to live by himself.

19. How much do pandas weigh when they are born?
a.    4 ounces
b.    5 ounces
c.    6 ounces
d.    7 ounces
20. How big is a grown up panda?
a.     3-4 feet tall
b.    4-5 feet tall
c.    5-6 feet tall
d.    6-7 feet tall

Read the following passage then answer the following questions.

Many animals make their homes in ponds. Fish swim around looking for worms to eat. Turtles sit on logs. Snails crawl on plants. Frogs sit on rocks waiting for bugs to fly by. Ducks paddle around and quack. Then they dive under the water.

21. Which animals crawl on plants?
a.    fish
b.    snail
c.    turtle
d.    frog
22. Which animals sit on rocks?
a.    turtle
b.    snail
c.    fish
d.    frog
23. Which animal looks for worm?
a.    turtle
b.    snail
c.    fish
d.    frog

Tyrannosaurus rex was a very big dinosaur. It was as tall as two-storey house. It walked in its back legs. It weighed as much as two elephants.
            Its teeth were long and sharp. Its feet had very long claws. Tyrannosaurus rex used its sharp claws and teeth to eat almost anything. That is why it is called “King of the Tyrant Lizards”.

24. How tall was the Tyrannosaurus rex?
a.    as tall as the tree
b.    as tall as the lizards
c.    as tall as a dog
d.    as tall as the two-storey house

25. What kind of teeth did Tyrannosaurus rex have?
a.    long and sharp
b.    flat and small
c.    thick and flat
d.    thick and small

Read the paragraph on how to make a paper sack puppet and on how to plant pineapple . Then answer the following questions.

      Find a small sack that fits your hand. Make a face where the sack folds. Cut out teeth from colored paper.  Glue them on the sack. Cut out ears. Cut out nose. Cut out a mouth. Glue them all.
26. What will you cut out first?
a.    eyes
b.    nose
c.    mouth
d.    teeth
27. What will you cut out last?
a.    nose
b.    mouth
c.    teeth
d.    eyes
28. What will you do last?
a.    Cut out the mouth
b.    Glue them all.
c.    Glue teeth in the sack
d.    Make a face where the sack folds.

You can grow a pineapple plant at home. Here’s how: have a grown up use a large sharp knife to slice off the “crown” of the pineapple. Fill a five-inch round pot with potting soil. Put the crown of the pineapple in the soil. Do not bury the plant too deep. Let most of the crown show. Do not give your plant too much water. Pour on a little water when you plant it. Then wait until the soil feels dry to water it again. Soon it will grow roots.

29. What is the first step for growing pineapple plant?
a.    Put the crown of the pineapple in the soil
b.    Slice off the crown of the pineapple
c.    Fill a five-inch round pot with potting soil
d.    Pour on a little water when you plant.
30. What is the second step?
a.    Pour on a little water when you plant it.
b.    Slice off the crown of pineapple
c.    Fill in five-inch round pot with potting soil
d.      Put the crown of the pineapple in the soil

Read the sentences. Then answer the following questions.
1.    Next, she cut the paper into heart shapes.
2.    She put names and addresses on the envelope.
3.    Sally wanted to make a valentines card for her friends.
4.    First, she got out papers, glue and scissors.
5.    Finally, she put the Valentines card in the mailbox.
6.    Then, she bought envelopes and put them in.

31. If the sentences were to arrange orderly in a paragraph about how Sally made a valentines card for her friends, what could be the first sentence?
a.    sentence no. 1
b.    sentence no.2
c.    sentence no. 3
d.    sentence no. 4
32. What would be the second sentence?
a.    1
b.    2
c.    3
d.    4
33. What would be the fourth sentence?
a.    3
b.    4
c.    5
d.    6
34. If the sentence were orderly arranged, what would be the correct order?
a.    1-2-3-4-5-6
b.    6-5-4-3-2-1
c.    4-3-2-6-5-6
d.    3-4-1-6-2-5

Read the stories in no.s  35-38. Encircle the letter of the correct answer that tells what happened before.

35. Ben is very happy now that he has someone to play with. He hopes that his new little sister will grow up quickly!
A few days ago......
a.    Ben was sick.
b.    Ben’s mother had a baby.
c.    Ben got a new puppy.
d.    Ben got a new doll.
36. Sarah tried to mend the tear. She used a needle and thread to sew up the hole.
While playing, Sarah had......
a.     broken her bicycle
b.    lost her watch
c.    torn her shirt
d.    throw her dress
37. The movers took john’s bike off the truck and put it in the new garage. Next, the moved his bed into his new bedroom.
John’s family......
a.    bought a new house
b.    went on a vacation
c.    bought a new truck
d.    bought a new bed
38. Katie picked out a  book about dinosaurs. Jim, who likws sports, choose two books about basketball.
Katie and Jim......
a.    went to the library
b.    went to the playground
c.    went to the grocery
d.    went to the zoo

Encircle the letter of the statement that will complete the thought of the sentence most.
39. The rain fell hard and continued for three days. As a result _____
a.    the streets got flooded
b.    Anna did not mind the rain.
c.    people got stranded
d.    the cat went outside
40. The boy did not walk on the  pedestrian lane. So,________
a.    he was gone to the market
b.    he was not seen by the policeman
c.    he was caught by a policeman
d.    everyone who had seen him clapped him
Read the following stories then answer the questions in each number.
41. Ben and Ann were washing their dog, Bandit. Bandit’s fur went wet. Their hands were  wet too. Bandit did not like to be wet. Ben dropped the soap. Ann picked it up and let go of Bandit. Uh-oh. What happened next?
a.    Bandit run far away from them
b.    Bandit slept on the floor
c.    Bandit bit their neighbour
d.    Bandit was dry.
42. Mimi the cat like milk. Do you like it too? Set out a pan of juice. Set out a pan of milk. What do you think will Mimi do next?
a.    Mimi will sip the pan of juice
b.    Mimi will sip the pan of milk
c.    Mimi will ignore the juice and the milk
d.    Mimi will run towards the door.

Read each riddle. Conclude what is the thing the riddle refers too.
43.             You can see me at the zoo. I am big. I have stripes. My teeth are very sharp. What animal am I?
a.    duck
b.    tiger
c.    giraffe
d.    zebra
44. I run fast. You can see me in the woods. I have brown fur. Sometimes i have antlers. Sometimes, i have antlers. What animal am i?
a.    deer
b.    tiger
c.    rabbit
d.    frog

45. I am small. I am white. I have long ear. I hop and hop.
a.    rabbit
b.    deer
c.    frog
d.    kangaroo

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
46. Bill and Ann went to the store to buy some candy. What did tey need?
a.    money
b.    pillow
c.    handkerchief
d.    comb
47. Jill was making birthday card for her mom. What did she need?
a.    fork
b.    water
c.    crayons
d.    comb

48. You can see tools. You can fix your car. You can fill your car with gas. You are at the _____
a.    street
b.    school
c.    gasoline station
d.    automall
49. Which of the following is a fantasy statement?
a.    Mt. Pinatubo erupted on 1991.
b.    Aetas living near Pinatubo were evacuated
c.    Mt. Pinatubo is in Pampanga
d.    Mt. Pinatubo spill out strawberry lava.

50. Which of the following happened in reality?
a.    EDSA revolution happened 25 years ago.
b.    Ninoy Aquino bomb the people in EDSA
c.    Roses fell out from the sky
d.    Marcos prepared 25 robots to demolish the people in EDSA

Table of Specifications in
Achievement Test in Reading 3

1.    Recognize words using spelling patterns.


5, 6, 7, 8, 9
2.    Use context clues to get the meaning of unfamiliar words



1,2, 16, 17, 18
3.    Read orally conversations or dialogs observing proper intonation.


4.    Note explicit and implicit details from a story heard.

19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
5.    Get the main idea.


10, 11, 12
6.    Organize ideas.


13, 14, 15
7.    Sequencing events.



26,27,28,29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
8.    Perceive relationships.

35, 36, 37, 38
9.    Predicating outcomes.

39, 40, 41, 42
10. Infer.


43, 44, 45,
11. Draw conclusions.


46, 47, 48
12. Evaluate ideas.

49, 50

Prepared by:
Reynaldo, Alma V.


Answer Key

1.    a
2.    b
3.    d
4.    a
5.    d
6.    b
7.    c
8.    b
9.    c
10. a
11. a
12. c
13. b
14. c
15. d
16. b
17. c
18. b
19. b
20. c
21. b
22. d
23. c
24. d
25. a
26. d
27. b
28. b
29. b
30. c
31. c
32. d
33. d
34. d
35. b
36. c
37. a
38. a
39. a
40. c
41. a
42. b
43. b
44. a
45. a
46. a
47. c
48. c
49. d

Prepared by:
Reynaldo, Alma V.


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